We Are Here For You

What Makes Us Better,
Makes You Better.

The mental health counseling and education at InnerHeart Circle seeks to help
individuals develop internal balance using Islamically integrated counseling.
At InnerHeart Circle, we work with you to achieve internal balance in actions,
thoughts, emotions, and spirituality.

Is Therapy Effective?

Of course, while sometimes a couple of sessions are enough, there can be cases when positive results are experienced over a longer period of time.

Why should you choose online therapy?

It is more convenient and saves you both time and money.

How Do I Communicate With an Online Therapist?

There are multiple ways to communicate with a therapist other than phone and video calls; such as text messaging, audio messaging, and video messaging.

Are Therapists Actually Licensed Professionals?

Yes, all our therapists are licensed with over years of experience.

Can I Choose My Online Therapist?

You can read about different therapists and speak to our customer representatives to select a therapist that you think will work with you the best.

Can I Get Online Therapy for My Child?

Yes, we offer comprehensive therapy services for teenagers.

Is Online Therapy Secure and Confidential?

Our licensed mental health professionals follow laws and ethical codes to ensure confidentiality.

Will I Always Get the Same Therapist?

Yes, but if you wish to change your therapist, you can request to do so.